はじめに | About Yomikaki Japanese

Welcome to Yomikaki Japanese!
Yomikaki Japanese を ごらん いただき、ありがとうございます。

この サイト では、
日本語にほんご勉強べんきょう する ひと の ため の もの作文さくぶん の コツ
を まとめています。
うつくしくて、面白おもしろくて、時々ときどき へん日本語にほんご世界せかい一緒いっしょたのしみましょう!

Wishing to practice reading or to write better in Japanese?
If so, you’re in the right place!
This site offers articles for Japanese learning with vocabulary lists and grammar points.
You can also find tips for fluent writing, interesting facts about Japanese (language & culture).
Let’s have fun exploring the world of Japanese!

YOMI : み (noun form of む; to read)
KAKI:き (noun form of く; to write)
So YOMIKAKI literally means “reading and writing”.

I believe practicing reading and writing takes your Japanese to the next level.
This site won’t disappoint you whether you’re hoping to improve listening or speaking skills (or of course reading or writing skills)!

