
【会話】読み物 | Conversation Reading Materials

【会話】インタビュー 「 普段、どこで服を買っていますか?」 | Interview: Where do you usually buy clothes?

A new series: let's learn how Japanese people respond to a question with longer sentences in the form of INTERVIEW :)...
【読解】読み物 | Comprehension Reading Materials

【読解】日本の四季(秋~冬) | 4 Seasons in Japan (Autumn~Winter)

Through this material, you'll have a better understanging of 4 seasons in Japan - what they are like, what people do in...
【読解】読み物 | Comprehension Reading Materials

【読解】日本の四季(春~夏) | 4 Seasons in Japan (Spring~Summer)

 Through this material, you'll have a better understanging of 4 seasons in Japan - what they are like, what people do i...
【表現】読み物 | Expression Reading Materials

【表現】会話の「さしすせそ」 | Sa Shi Su Se So for Conversation

Have you ever heard of "Sa Shi Su Se So" for cooking? It stands for a cooking tip, but there is another "Sa Shi Su Se ...
【表現】読み物 | Expression Reading Materials

【表現】今日について話す | Learn to talk about your own day

Do you feel comfortable when talking about your day? Here are words and expressions to describe what you did and how yo...
【会話】読み物 | Conversation Reading Materials

【会話・表現】落ち込んだ時の日本語 | Expressions you might need when you feel down

Everyone can feel down sometimes. How would you deal with that, and how would you describe your feeling in Japanese...
【会話】読み物 | Conversation Reading Materials

【会話・表現】お店について話す | How To Talk About Shops and Restaurants

This text helps you learn how to talk about shops or restaurants in Japanese!
【文法】読み物 | Grammar Reading Materials

【文法】セルフのうどん屋さん【have to, don’t have to】

The Level 2 reading materials would be great if you've learned the basics of Japanese grammar but are feeling there are...
【漢字】読み物 | Kanji Reading Materials

【漢字】日本料理レストラン | Went to a Japanese Restaurant

Let’s learn kanji through stories! This helps you to learn kanji that are roughly JLPT N5~N3 level. 物語(ふりがななし...
【会話】読み物 | Conversation Reading Materials

【会話・表現】話を広げる | Tips for Keeping the Conversation Going

In this text, you will find ways to have more meaningful conversations in Japanese!() 単語たんご |Words) 広(ひろ)げる・広(ひろ)...